The Surface Modification of the Stationary Phase of Porous Polymer Beads GDX-101 by the Way of Microwave Plasma 微波等离子体对高分子多孔聚合物小球进行表面改性
A composite material based on hydrous titanium oxide and porous resin has been prepared by impregnating porous polymer beads with tetra ( nbutoxy) titanate followed by hydrolysis of the alkoxide. 将钛酸丁酯加入到多孔球状吸附树脂中,用一水溶液将该醇盐水解,制得由钛的水合氧化物和多孔树脂组成的复合材料。
Chemical bonded porous polymer beads as stationary phase for gas chromatography 化学键合多孔聚合物小球气相色谱固定相
Surface Modification of Porous Polymer Beads GDX-101 GDX-101多孔聚合物小球改性
Our results show that trace-level pollutants in air samples can be concentrated and analyzed by taking advantage of the good adsorption property of some chromatographic stationary phase ( such as porous polymer beads) and the excellent desorption characteristics of supercritical fluid extraction. 这表明利用某些色谱固定相(如高分子多孔性微球等固体填充物)良好的吸附性能和超临界流体车取高效脱附的特点,可富集和分析空气中痕量污染物。
Ne water peak eluted from organic support 402 ( a kind of porous polymer beads, made at Shanghai ReagentPlant) at 144 ℃ was fitted well with log-normal distribution function. 由高分子多孔小球(有机担体402)填充柱流出的水的色谱峰,用对数正态分布函数拟合得较好。
In this work, by using GDX-402 porous polymer beads as adsorbent and carbon disulfide as eluent, the conditions for enriching trace chlorobenzene compounds in water were investigated. 采用GDX-402多孔微球为吸附剂,二硫化碳为脱附剂,研究水中痕量氯本类化合物的富集条件。
An auto-detecting method for trace water was developed. This method made use of porous polymer beads GDX-403 as chromatographic stationary phase, a 12 bit A/ D transformer to transform module signal to digital signal for chromatograph working station. 采用高分子多孔小球GDX-403为色谱固定相,利用12位A/D转换卡把色谱模拟信号转换成数字信号并利用色谱工作站对微量水份实现自动测定。
Studies on the Retention Mechanism for Ester-Containing Porous Polymer Beads as Stationary Phase 关于含酯基多孔聚合物小球固定相保留机制的探讨